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Our mission is to expand the toolkit of the quant-trading community and introduce investors to the many advantages of systematic trading. Our goal is to educate and inspire as we embark on a captivating journey into the vast knowledge & experience of leading portfolio managers and other experts in the field!

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032 - Dr Ernest Chan - The Breakthrough Uses of Machine Learning in Risk Management

It was strangely comforting talking to Ernie Chan. Whilst I was completely out of my depth talking about AI and Machine Learning, I came away broadly reinforced in my own belief that great trading still requires a human touch, and that the best niche's in the market are best discovered by applying a certain kind of wisdom, experience and competitive approach. The machine learning techniques and computer power needed to make them work are, however, quickly catching up, so how long we have is anyone's guess.
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031 - PJ Sutherland - The Complementary Dynamics of Mean Reversion and Trend-Following Strategies

In the domain of quantitative finance, the juxtaposition of mean reversion and trend-following strategies constitutes a pivotal dialogue in the formulation of robust trading paradigms. Each methodology is underpinned by unique theoretical and empirical foundations, presenting distinct opportunities and inherent vulnerabilities. However, when synthesized within a cohesive portfolio framework, these strategies reveal a profound synergy that not only enhances diversification but also attenuates systemic risks. This discourse delves into the nuances of each strategy and elucidates their integrative potential.
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030 - Wayne Himelsein - Trading from the Bunker

In our latest interview, Wayne Himelsein, President and CIO of Logica Capital Advisors, shared profound insights into the intricate dance between human expertise and systematic trading strategies. Himelsein highlighted how his firm integrates quantitative rigor with adaptive human oversight to create resilient, long-volatility-focused strategies.
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029 - Jason Buck - Mutiny Funds - Building a Cockroach Portfolio

The concept of the “Cockroach Portfolio” is a novel take on building a robust investment strategy that thrives across diverse market conditions. Drawing inspiration from one of nature's most resilient creatures, this approach emphasizes adaptability, diversification, and risk mitigation. Jason Buck runs Mutiny Funds with a core belief that: “Offense wins games. Defense wins championships.” Mutiny’s version of a diversified, all-weather portfolio therefore combines defensive-minded strategies, such as long volatility and trend, with offensive-minded strategies, such as stocks and bonds. Ensuring survival, and reducing draw-downs through time, provides the best opportunity for long-term capital growth. This show is all about risk management. If you don’t know what ergodicity is, or how you can drown in a river that is 2 feet deep on average, listen in.
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028 - Eric Crittenden - A Portfolio for All Seasons

One of the standout points from Eric’s approach is the focus on constructing a durable, all-weather portfolio. Eric designed his fund with the idea that it should be able to endure the most uncertain future scenarios, a goal he finds essential for long-term wealth preservation. His strategy blends managed futures, global equities, and laddered treasury bills, with a focus on equal risk contribution across futures & equities. Eric emphasizes simplicity and robustness over complexity, believing that this provides the best opportunity for consistent performance in both good times and bad.
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027 - Corey Hoffstein - Return Stacking, ETFs & Trend Replication

Today we spoke with Corey Hoffstein, a well-known market practitioner with a deep and broad knowledge across quantitative trading & trend following, but also across developing investment products for wider advisor distribution. I’m super interested in almost every aspect of the financial markets, because I feel like a broad and generalist knowledge helps me make better trading and business decisions. Corey hits the nail on the head when he says that a given participant may be making optimal business decisions which are sub-optimal trading decisions. If we are aware of this kind of behaviour, it can help shape the way we trade. More than that, understanding market participants, infrastructure, technology, business motivations, and so on, is critical to effective trading. At a basic level, this would include knowing the exact differences between the execution of a market versus a limit order for example. It builds from there, but the point is, it doesn’t hurt you to gain more and more knowledge of how the markets ‘actually work’.
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026 - Gary Antonacci II - New Research & Updated Models

Absolute Trend, Rotation Between Models & Assets, & 100 Year Back-Tests A new research paper titled "A Century of Profitable Industry Trends" by Zarattini (Concretum Research) and Antonacci explores the profitability of a long-only trend-following strategy applied to industry portfolios over nearly 100 years, from 1926 to 2024. The strategy utilizes industry-based trend-following mechanisms, particularly […]
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025 - Laurens Bensdorp - Balancing 55 Super Models

Laurens Bensdorp’s trading philosophy revolves around diversification—not just in markets, but primarily in the strategies themselves. He is famous for referring to the art of building new strategies which compliment his existing suite as “designing models to fill potholes”.  He trades across various styles, including trend following, rotational momentum and mean reversion, and he manages these strategies across both long and short strategies.
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