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Our mission is to expand the toolkit of the quant-trading community and introduce investors to the many advantages of systematic trading. Our goal is to educate and inspire as we embark on a captivating journey into the vast knowledge & experience of leading portfolio managers and other experts in the field!

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025 - Laurens Bensdorp - Balancing 55 Super Models

Laurens Bensdorp’s trading philosophy revolves around diversification—not just in markets, but primarily in the strategies themselves. He is famous for referring to the art of building new strategies which compliment his existing suite as “designing models to fill potholes”.  He trades across various styles, including trend following, rotational momentum and mean reversion, and he manages these strategies across both long and short strategies.
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024 – Trading Think Tank 02 – Battle of the Back-Testers

Exploring the Art and Science of Back-testing with Jason Strimpel and Marsten Parker. Allow me to share a few thoughts that came up as we brought together two exceptional minds in the trading technology space to talk about their back-testing applications. In the blue corner representing Python - Jason Strimpel, an experienced quantitative risk manager, […]
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023 - Tom Basso - Trading Serenity Within the Chaos

The Calm Within the Chaos - Tom Basso on Reaching Trading Enlightenment. Tom, famously coined "Mr. Serenity" in Jack Schwager's "New Market Wizards" book, joins us for an enlightening and entertaining discussion. On a particularly turbulent day in the market, with the VIX making one of its largest ever moves, Tom shares his calm and […]
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022 - Andreas Clenow - A Most Private Discussion on Sensible Trading for the Long Term

Trading Strategies, Books, Programming and the underworld of Swiss Private Banking. Andreas Clenow needs no introduction and has a lengthy history in the algorithmic trading industry. A Swede who has lived in Switzerland for quite some time he has recently published a fiction novel set in the underworld of the secretive Swiss banking industry. He […]
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021 - Dave Aspell of Mt Lucas - An Institutional Perspective on the Simplicity of Trend Following

A Deep Dive into Mount Lucas Management's Trading Philosophy and Strategies. In our latest podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dave Aspell, the Senior Portfolio Manager from Mount Lucas Management. Dave shared invaluable insights into his trading journey, the history and evolution of Mount Lucas, and the firm's unique approach to trading equities […]
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020 - A Wealth of Experience - Trading Diversified Strategies in Futures & Equities with Perry Kaufman

Getting into the Details of the Unique Approach of Perry Kaufman - Trading a Diversified Portfolio of Both Futures & Equities. In this episode of The Algorithmic Advantage, we had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of trading with the legendary Perry Kaufman. With a career spanning back to the 1970s, Perry's insights […]
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019 - The Trading Strategies of Jim Simons' Medallion Fund with Greg Zuckerman

What were the Secrets to the Success of the Medallion Fund? One can only speculate! And that we do on this show where we talk to Greg Zuckerman, author of ‘The Man Who Solved the Market – How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution’. We remember Jim, who recently passed away at 86, on the […]
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018 - The Trading Think Tank - Diversification: How Many Markets & Systems do I Need to Trade?

The Trading Think Tank Series - Episode 1: How Important is Market & System Diversification in Trend Following? If you have questions, all the answers are here! In this first episode of a new series we are calling the 'Trading Think Tank' we sit down with a panel of experts and really deep-dive a single […]
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