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032 - Dr Ernest Chan - The Breakthrough Uses of Machine Learning in Risk Management

It was strangely comforting talking to Ernie Chan. Whilst I was completely out of my depth talking about AI and Machine Learning, I came away broadly reinforced in my own belief that great trading still requires a human touch, and that the best niche's in the market are best discovered by applying a certain kind of wisdom, experience and competitive approach. The machine learning techniques and computer power needed to make them work are, however, quickly catching up, so how long we have is anyone's guess.
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014 - Dr Thomas Starke - Combining Alphas in a Diversified Quant Portfolio

Exploring the World of Quant Trading with Dr. Tom Starke of AAA Quants   Introducing a Pioneer in Quantitative Trading In this episode of The Algorithmic Advantage, we were thrilled to welcome Dr. Tom Starke. With a background spanning from physics (with a PHD in the field) and engineering to leading roles in finance, Tom's […]
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